Smoothie bowl basics part 1, and a tropical blast smoothie bowl recipe

I am so excited to share with you what I have been learning as I make my smoothie bowls! It took me so long to achieve the thickness I desired.  So if you are the same way I was then, and still want to know how to make them thick, this is the blog for you! If you are just looking for a recipe this is also for you!

The key to getting extremely thick smoothie bowls is in the blender, the liquid, and the fruit! So it's a lot to get right, and for me, it took time and practice.  First off a must-have is frozen fruit, room temperature just will not do. It doesn't give the same texture, taste, or thickness. Secondly, whatever liquid you are using you must start with a small amount, for me it is 1/4 cup. So now the blender,  my blender broke a while back so I did not know what to do. First I tried using the blender cups but failed to get the thickness I wanted. (It is possible depending on your blender, but takes a much longer time.) I have a large food processor insert for my ninja blender, and that is what I use now. It works great! Here is a link to a newer model of what I have:    Click here
( BTW this is not sponsored. )
So to start when making a smoothie bowl, I add 1 1/2 of a frozen banana and 1/4 a cup of milk or juice to a blender and pulse a couple of times, and then blend.  Next, I add my frozen fruit whatever kinds I want and blend. ( I will add a create your own smoothie bowl guide on my blog part: 2 of smoothie bowl basics, coming soon!) So here is my all-time favorite smoothie bowl recipe.

Tropical Coconut Blast:

2 servings

         - 1 1/2 banana
                         - 1 c frozen strawberries
                - 1 c frozen mango
    - 1/4 c milk
                  - sweetened coconut (optional)

1. To begin add the banana and milk to a blender and blend until fluffy and creamy! ( at this time I try a little bite 😃)

2. Then add strawberries and blend, last but not least add the mango and blend again.

3. Now remove and put into your bowl, ( I prefer to use a coconut bowl or plastic, it does not melt as fast in these!)

4. Sprinkle coconut or nuts on top, and enjoy!

Depending on how many strawberries you add gives different colors, and flavors. So play with it to get the flavor you love!
Notes: I blend the banana first with the milk because I find that it is fluffier this way.
If you have any questions feel free to ask in the comments! Thank you!


  1. hey! i saw your comment on ashley’s grocery haul and came to subscribe right away. i love this blog already and i can’t wait to see your future posts! thank you so much for starting this 💕

  2. i wasn't sure how to reply to your previous comment, but do you have a link to your instagram? i'd love to support you as much as i can!

    1. Thank you!I do not have instagram but, I will let you know if I get it in the future.

  3. Love this smoothie bowl!


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